“The happiest people don’t have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything they have. Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God."

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas... Peace to all

May all my family and friends find
their peace,
their joy
and their hope
this holiday season
and in all the New Years to come...

Friday, December 21, 2007

a home full of love

After a wonderful week being surrounded by the laughter and joy of young adults, my daughter and her friends have returned to their lives miles and miles far away. I loved every minute of having a home full of kids again -- even if they're really not 'kids' anymore... lol

My daughter gives me a Willow Tree figurine every year for Christmas. This year it was "Mi casa es su casa".

When I invited my daughter's friends, that is what I had told them. My home was their home for as long as they wanted and to call me 'mom'. What a wonderful acknowledgement of understanding with the gift my daughter picked for me this year! No matter where they ever find themselves in life, they will always have a home with me.

Life is amazing. All the twists and turns that make up our moments thread themselves into stories of the full range of every possible emotion we can experience. I am so glad to have gone through all of the valleys... it makes going over the top of the mountains amazing.

Being mom, enjoying my daughter, my son and their friends and having a home full of kids was the best Christmas present I could ever ask for in this life. I am truly blessed and grateful for every day I wake up breathing. For my children, my family, my dogs, my home, my job and all the wonderful friends that have been there for me over the years as well as the new ones I have met recently. For living in a great place close to the sand, sun and sea. For my Hope.

For finding happiness within and knowing that it was there all along... in *me*. I simply had to believe, open my eyes, and see.

It truly is a wonderful life... :-)

Sunday, December 9, 2007

almost here

In a few short days I become a mother of three again. Woo hoo! LOL
This time having JoJo along for a visit with Bethany.
(I'm going to miss seeing you this year Tommy!)

Half of what I always wanted...
A few more and I'd be almost there...
It's going to be a great week!

I can't wait... :-)

Friday, December 7, 2007


It was supposed to rain yesterday. I know this because last Friday I asked my son if he had to work late "next Thursday". Yes. He was working until 8pm so I checked the long term forecast. My appointment was for 7pm in Houston. Hope and I were going for an off-island ride.

Rain. Weather.com predicted it. That and cold. 'Well,' I thought, 'at least I could try out my new silk ultra-cold weather long underwear that "the skiers use, Robyn" along with my new Frog Togs '(thank you, L!). Layered the silk first, then a 't', then a warm sweater, then a hooded sweatshirt and finally my coat. Bottoms and blue jeans. Should be good to go... doubled up on my socks for warmth.

But it didn't rain last night. It was simply cold.
No Frog Togs necessary this time.

As I rode in the dark (I hate daylight savings time) I didn't even realize I was over the causeway and on my way towards Frontage Road until after the fact. Amazing. Looked down because people were passing me left and right and realized I was doing 80 mph as it was... wow...

'People are driving crazy tonight...' I thought. Be aware. Be careful. Watch everything and everyone. All mental notes while enjoying Hope. Made it to my appointment with ten minutes to spare. No worries... it was almost as if I floated there.

Though a little cold, I wasn't chilled to the bone like the last time. My teeth weren't chattering and I warmed up quickly. The ride didn't lower my core temperature like before so the layering and the long underwear worked. And the winter gloves (again, thank you, L!!!) -- well, not only does the white match Hope, but they kept my hands toasty warm... *all smiles*

On the way home I noticed the wind.

Hmmm... well that explains it. The wind must have been at my back on the way off the island because heading back was a struggle against Mother Nature herself. No wonder it was so easy going the other way.

Still, it wasn't that bad going home.
It's never bad -- when you're on the road.
It is home actually, every time I ride...

Riding is home.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Everyone knows I did the lasik thing this year. I absolutely love it! Went from a 6+ in one eye and a 7+ in other (basically legally blind) to 20/20 in one eye and 20/25 in the other. Doc Lipsky said my results were unheard of for the amount of eyesight I had pre-op.

So, they are offering the same deal again. There is only a limited amount of spots. It's half off and if your eyes aren't as bad as mine, it may be less but total cost for me was only $2490 for both eyes.

The resident does the prep but the laser machine they have in the office is totally computerized and state of the art (I believe it was new a year or two ago - so they have the latest technology). Dr. Lipsky is there the whole time and ready to step in also. Once the resident leaves, you become Dr. Lipsky's patient (I love that man!). He has the most gentle and comforting bedside manner.

So if you've been waiting until you can afford it, your time may be now. Last year they also offered free financing up to 18 months for those that don't have the full amount in cash. Win/win...

Here's the info for those who want it...
The whole process comes highly recommended by me!

LASIK Surgery
First Published 12/5/2007

UTMB Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
now offering for a limited time only


50% off the Regular Price
Complete examination, treatment and follow-up

By our qualified Senior Residents
Under the Direction of William Lipsky, MD, FACS
Clinical Associate Professor
Dept of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences

In collaboration with
Advanced Laser Vision & Surgical Institute
Houston, Texas

Call today for your Free Evaluation

Contact: Email: Phone Bank
For: Ophthalmology
Phone: 747-5800
Fax: 747-5433

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


I am blessed to know a very humble, gracious gentle man who goes by the name of Docshawg on the forums. He is the reason why I have been accepted into their home and as part of the family at Brotherhood of the Grey Beard Bikers. Last night, a BGBB member e-mailed me to say that Doc was in ICU and was getting ready to be transported to another hospital.

When I called Mac to get the details, I fell apart. Doc has been there for me in more ways than one this past year. He is a true man of God and walks the walk. He is supportive and inspirational. He doesn't judge anyone by their past. He lives for today and embraces every one of us with unconditional love and humility.

His wife Pam is a beautiful lady. They have five daughters, all awesome children. They are what a family should be... a giving, loving entity.

The doctors will be doing by-pass surgery (4 or 5 Mac said) on Thursday at Baylor Plano. Please keep Doc as well as his family in your prayers. He is a very special person... a kind soul... and a true friend to me.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

milk does a body good

The first thing I noticed when I started on this cereal kick at night with a bowl of milk was my nails. I started to see a marked difference in them. They were stronger. Growing longer (well, longer than what I had... lol). The biggest plus was that they didn't appear to split as much.

Now I'm not sure what other benefits my body has seen from milk. Milk hasn't been part of my diet since my pre-teens. I've never liked the taste before... The part about it building muscle is very interesting since I've taken up running my dogs. What's bad about less fat? Woo hoo!

The article below discusses some of the facts of what milk can do for the body. I'm on this article-kick ya'll... hang in there... this too shall pass... LOL

Happy Sunday!!!

Does Milk Do Your Body Good?

Some experts say it's a health hazard. Others say it's the most nutritious food you can find. We investigate all the claims about milk to find out if you should have a glass
By: Alan Aragon, M.S.

"Milk is a deadly poison," according to the Dairy Education Board. In fact, if you peruse this special interest group's Web site, notmilk.com, you'll find dozens of articles about the purported evils of this popular beverage. One claim, for example, is that milk from cows contains cancer-causing hormones and dairy industry dollars have kept that fact bottled up. All of which may leave you second-guessing your next sip.

However, as a nutritionist, I've found that most men thrive on milk, whether their goal is to lose fat or build muscle. So to be sure it's safe, I've investigated all the anti-milk claims, sifting through the research while also turning a critical eye to pro-milk propaganda. After all, the only agenda I have is my clients' health. The result: all your milk questions, answered.

Is milk really a fat-burning food?

Maybe. In a 6-month study, University of Tennessee researchers found that overweight people who downed three servings a day of calcium-rich dairy lost more belly fat than those who followed a similar diet minus two or more of the dairy servings. In addition, the researchers discovered that calcium supplements didn't work as well as milk. Why? They believe that while calcium may increase the rate at which your body burns fat, other active compounds in dairy products (such as milk proteins) provide an additional fat-burning effect. Of course, the key to success is following a weight-loss diet to begin with. After all, downing your dairy with a box of doughnuts is no way to torch your gut.

Does it build muscle?

Absolutely. In fact, milk is one of the best muscle foods on the planet. You see, the protein in milk is about 20 percent whey and 80 percent casein. Both are high-quality proteins, but whey is known as a "fast protein" because it's quickly broken down into amino acids and absorbed into the bloodstream. That makes it a very good protein to consume after your workout. Casein, on the other hand, is digested more slowly. So it's ideal for providing your body with a steady supply of smaller amounts of protein for a longer period of time--like between meals or while you sleep. Since milk provides both, one big glass gives your body an ideal combination of muscle-building proteins.

Cows are given hormones. Doesn't that make their milk unhealthy?

Not unless you're injecting the milk. Here's the full story: In 1993 the FDA approved the use of recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH) in cattle. This practice resulted in greater milk production at less cost to the dairy farmer, a savings that has been passed on to you at your local supermarket. But it has also sparked much controversy, because rBGH boosts milk's concentration of insulin-like growth factor (IGF), a hormone that's been linked to cancer.

Unlike steroid hormones, which can be taken orally, rBGH and IGF must be injected to have any effect. That's because the process of digestion destroys these "protein" hormones. So drinking milk from hormone-treated cows doesn't transfer the active form of these chemicals to your body. However, there is one ethical downside to consider: It's not good for the cows. Canadian researchers discovered that cows given hormones are more likely to contract an udder infection called mastitis.

What about antibiotics?

No one really knows. Some scientists argue that milk from cows given antibiotics leads to antibiotic resistance in humans, making these types of drugs less effective when you take them for an infection. But this finding has never been proved.

If you're uneasy, you can purchase antibiotic-free (and typically hormone-free, as well) milk from specialty grocers, such as Trader Joe's or Whole Foods, or select USDA-certified organic milk, which is available at most supermarkets.

Skim or whole?

It depends on your taste. While you've probably always been told to drink reduced-fat milk, the majority of scientific studies show that drinking whole milk actually improves cholesterol levels, just not as much as drinking skim does. One recent exception: Danish researchers found that men who consumed a diet rich in whole milk experienced a slight increase in LDL cholesterol (six points). However, it's worth noting that these men drank six 8-ounce glasses a day, an unusually high amount. Even so, their triglycerides--another marker of heart-disease risk--decreased by 22 percent.

The bottom line: Drinking two to three glasses of milk a day, whether it's skim, 2 percent, or whole, lowers the likelihood of both heart attack and stroke--a finding confirmed by British scientists.

If you're dieting, the lower-fat option is an easy way to save a few calories. When it comes to building muscle, though, whole milk may be your best choice: Scientists at the University of Texas medical branch in Galveston found that drinking whole milk after lifting weights boosted muscle protein synthesis--an indicator of muscle growth--2.8 times more than drinking skim did.

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♥ live for the moments you can't put into words ♥