“The happiest people don’t have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything they have. Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God."

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

continuing the theme... lol

Ever wonder where trash ends up? Right back where it started laying a carpet the size of Texas along the way. Click below to see:

The Trash Vortex

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

just call me Martha Ann... lol

Went and auditioned last night for the first time in almost two years. The director called me at work today... got cast in the play!
Woo hoo! LOL

When my friends asked which part they gave me, I told them, "The ditzy blonde one." My friend Cathy retorted, "Well that won't be a stretch for you!"


{so true!}


My instructions are to watch two movies I've never seen (joined Netflix... this is a new thing for me! LOL). First one is Daddy's Dying, Who's Got The Will and the second is Sordid Lives. Never heard of either of them. The pending result will hopefully be picking up the unique Texan dialect and accent. These two movies are my study materials.

Now to figure out how to hook up the DVD player my mother gave me for Christmas... lol

I'm back onstage...
and loving it...
it's good to be home again...

***all smiles***

Edited to add future links:

Opening night~

COM's Newsletter & Bios~

Monday, January 28, 2008

concerned about emissions?

Here's a handy dandy calculator just for you...
Personal Emissions Calculator
EPA has developed tools to help individuals (and households) reduce greenhouse gas emissions and take action. Businesses and organizations interested in educating their employees and members about what they can do at home to help protect our climate can also use these tools.

Friday, January 25, 2008

your impact

What is your
Ecological Footprint?

Sixteen Simple Questions to Assess
Your Use of Our Natural Planet

Ecological Footprint

Have you ever stopped to wonder how your lifestyle impacts the planet we're living on? The Ecological Footprint measures the amount of nature's resources an individual, a community, or a country consumes in a given year. Click on the foot to find out:

Thursday, January 24, 2008

life is about choices

Today I made a decision. A choice. For me. If there is anything I learned from the Redwoods trip it's that I not only always survive, I thrive.

It is within each of us to control our own destiny to a certain degree.
I choose *me*.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

freakin people out... lol

I love improv!!! And shock value never gets old...


Click here for the video:

Frozen Grand Central

On a cold Saturday in New York City, the world’s largest train station came to a sudden halt. Over 200 Improv Everywhere Agents froze in place at the exact same second for five minutes in the Main Concourse of Grand Central Station. Over 500,000 people rush through Grand Central every day, but today, things slowed down just a bit as commuters and tourists alike stopped to notice what was happening around them. Enjoy the video first and then go behind the scenes with our mission report and photos.

(also available on YouTube)

Hidden Audio Actors: Agents Osteri, Rodgers, Sommer, Todd
Digital Video: Agent Carbone
Digital Photography: Agent Nicholson

Saturday, January 5, 2008

2 weeks notice

Gave my two weeks notice to my weekend job today.
It was time. I'm ready to have a life.
Tomorrow will be my last Sunday behind a desk.

It's going to be a great spring!
With lot's of time in the saddle.
One New Year's resolution down -
A few more to go...


Wednesday, January 2, 2008

our one year anniversary

Today is our one year anniversary -- Hope and I. Can't hardly believe it... she has brought me hope for tomorrow, contentment for the minutes of today and peace for all of my yesterdays. I am free to simply breathe... {Thanks Hope! I know you can hear me... lol}

The past year has been filled with an enormous amount of growth, love, pain, pleasure, family, friends - both old and new, pets, moves, trips, jobs, learning, laughter, and many many joyful memories.

I remember this day in 2005 when I thought my world was ending while the Redwoods trip was being finalized for February. It is an amazing journey -- life is... never what we expect and so much more than we could ever imagine. The best is yet to come!

I am truly blessed and grateful for every experience I've had, every person I've met along the way and all of the things that have come and gone in and out of my life over the years.

Thank you to all my friends and family for all my birthday wishes today. It has been an absolutely wonderful way to start a fantastic new year - hearing from all of you. I can't wait to see what the universe has in store for me... it's been a hell of ride so far this life!

I'm ready for so much more...
Whatever that "more" will be...
Let's get this ball rolling...



{patience is still a ways back in my learning curve... *g*}

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

count down!

Happy New Year!

Click here for the World Clock -

Data Sources and Suggestions

While the actual numbers cannot be precise the rates of change are what is most interesting.

(NB During January, the number of days passed is the same as the number of days passed in the year so far. So the counts will be the same.)

See Also: The Evolving Global Brain | Earth and Environment | A Crisis of Consciousness
Crises as Opportunity | Waking Up In Time | Lectures and Workshops
Choosing our Way | A Planetary Cancer | Misdirected Needs | Population Details
Runaway Climate Change | A Singularity in Time | Accelerating Change

World Clock Created by Poodwaddle.com

♥ live for the moments you can't put into words ♥