“The happiest people don’t have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything they have. Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God."

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

ice breaker speech a success!

Last night I gave my ice breaker speech at our Toastmaster's meeting. It confirms what I've always known and dreamed of - that I need to go back to school and get that degree in English I'm always talking about (for like forever.. lol) and move into a career in public speaking. I loved giving that speech!

If nothing else, the entire experience confirmed that I shouldn't be in a cubicle. Helping others, motivating them and teaching then how to overcome adversity is my passion. The evaluator of my speech said it appears all the things that others have to work on come natural to me when I'm up at the podium in front of others. I don't even have to think. It's almost like riding Hope - I feel free...

It was so funny last night. I haven't even received my Toastmasters books with the information and exercises yet and our highly regarded 'guest', the Area Governor who was evaluating our club that night, looked me in the eyes and stated, "You should be delivering speeches every week." When he heard me say I couldn't come March 24th as that was our first full dress rehearsal and opening week for the OLG, he asked someone if I was an actress. One of the long standing and very experienced members said, "Yes. And she's a writer too..."

All the members were so complimentary! The look on his face was one of respect and admiration. They validated me.

I believe my destiny is to write and share with groups instead of counseling one on one. To motivate and encourage on a larger scale. I know that is where my heart is... giving others hope to believe in themselves, knowledge on how to overcome their fears and live, and tools on how to make the choices in life that will move them forward and help them find their joy.

Now to do it. Therein lies the rub... lol
Sometimes complacency is the robber of our life's dreams.
I am content right now to simply ride, act, speak, and 'be' for the most part. Finally, I have a life that suits me... to a 't'...


Saturday, February 16, 2008

you've got wings to fly

Thank you, Kaye, for this beautiful video. I do believe the universe gives us what we need. Her gifts are not tied to our wants. If we accept what the universe gives with joy and contentment - we will find all the happiness we will ever need within our own cores.

You have all you need inside of *you* to find your own happiness.

As the song sings:

You've got wings to fly
You can touch the sky
Every moment you are breathing
Know that you are alive

Be glad that you're alive... :-)

{Love you, Kaye!}

Turn your speakers, click and enjoy:

A Gift for You - All The Power of the Elements

"The gratification of desire is not happiness. If it were, as Socrates noted, a person who spends his life scratching an itch would have to be considered happy. Genuine happiness can only be achieved when we transform our way of life from the unthinking pursuit of pleasure to one committed to enriching our inner lives, when we focus on "being more" rather than simply having more."
~Daisaku Ikeda

Thursday, February 14, 2008

breathing again

"Aren't you scared to get out on the highway on that thing?"

"No Mom. I'm not. It's like I've always ridden."

And so I left my mom watching me worriedly in her doorway today as I started up Hope for the trip back to the island. I am home on her... there's no denying the connection. Hope has always been home to me.

Starting out in the morning, I recognized the ease as we glided over the causeway and thought, "Well the wind is at my back... the trip home should be interesting." Experience teaches us those little things and makes preparation and planning so much easier.

It was a beautiful Thursday, btw. Not sure it made 70 degrees like the weatherman predicted but sunny and gorgeous. What a great day off, even with what I had to do today.

Yesterday morning I woke up and dreaded getting out of bed. My first thought was I didn't want to go to work. My second was, if I didn't go to a "job", what would I want to be doing for work?

As always, the voices in my head were talking first thing... LOL

My answer was, "Write."

My counter response whispered, "Then write. Write in the morning before work and in the evening after. No more excuses."

Today was a beautiful day to ride, think and simply be. Now to begin the task at hand... concentrating on my writing again. The universe is always amazing with giving us what we need. We simply have to accept, connect and breathe. Then act on what we believe...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

for Michael C.

there are so very few people
who listen to their own core
and not only their own voices
but they hear the other's they adore

there are so very few people
who understand and know
how someone thinks, feels, believes
beneath their exterior show

there are so very few people
who know thoughts and understand
where someone has been and gone
and how they'll go again

there are so very few people
that can explain another's soul
you are one of those few people, Michael
the universe's gift to all, please know

thank you.... *kotc*


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

what is your animal spirit?

What is your spirit animal?

Deer Spirit
Your spirit animal is the deer. Kind, passionate, loving and wise. With a deer spirit, one is very charismatic, though they may not know it, reclusive and shy, one may miss a grand opportunity for love and life should they keep their distance.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

just get out and ride

"Just get out and ride. Get on your bike and take a ride up and down the seawall."

I couldn't believe this was my sister talking to me. My big sister. The one who wasn't really thrilled with my purchase from what seems like ages ago, although it has only been a year and a month. I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do with the beautiful sunny day today. She made the decision for me... lol

And oh what a beautiful day to ride along the Gulf! Sunny and warm with a high around 70... absolutely gorgeous with people enjoying the sand and water. The bikes were out and Woody's and The Spot and all the other places along the water were filled with laughter and friends. Decided to ride without a helmet or jacket and simply enjoy the wind, the sounds, the smells, and the sights.

There is nothing like it in the world. Freedom while flying. Hope always brings me home and makes me feel like I have wings. There's never a care in my heart or a worry in my soul when we're together moving down the road.

Thanks Sher...
Thank you for truly "getting it"...
Not the riding or the reasons -- but what it does for *me*...
I love you, Sis!


Thursday, February 7, 2008

i'm open... no surprise there! lol

Nancy once told me in all seriousness many many years ago that my mind was so open she was surprised my brain didn't fall out... truth! LMAO!!

I yam what I yam... and I love who I am.


You have appreciation for art, emotion, adventure, unusual ideas, imagination, curiosity, and variety of experience. Openness to Experience describes a dimension of personality that distinguishes imaginative, creative people from down-to-earth, conventional people. Open people are intellectually curious, appreciative of art, and sensitive to beauty. They tend to be, compared to closed people, more aware of their feelings. They therefore tend to hold unconventional and individualistic beliefs, although their actions may be conforming.

Click here and take your own Personality Test

Monday, February 4, 2008

those talking skills are coming in handy.... lol

Tonight I was voted the Best Evaluator at Toastmasters!!! Woo hoo! They even gave me a red 1st Place ribbon to take home and display.... LMAO!!

The competition was between four of us. This was only my third meeting back and the first time I've ever done an evaluation. All the others are current members. Two or three times last spring/summer found me heading to the local library to attend a meeting here and there but I opted not to join at that time.

One of my New Year's resolutions for 2008 was to do more of the things I love that don't cost me any real money. I'm down to working only one job again and loving my free time to do as I wish. Started Toastmasters again in mid-January after an e-mail reminder (Thank you Margaret!) and decided to make the commitment.

It was a hoot! And a wonderful time.
I do so enjoy an audience.... LOL

The new year is in full swing and I'm loving it!


Sunday, February 3, 2008

the beads were falling!

Mardi Gras is in full swing and spent the better part of yesterday on the Strand and watching the largest parade of the event last evening. Colorful beads were being thrown, people were scrambling after them, and the floats and bands went on and on.

What a trip! One had to be very aware or they'd be hit in the head continuously, whether they wanted any or not! LMAO!!!

Had a great time. I love living on the island...


Saturday, February 2, 2008


It is closing weekend for Kaye's play, Deathtrap at CCCT so off to the theater we went for the show last night. What a wonderful job you did, Kaye! And for turning 57 this past Thursday, I must say, you look maaarrr-vel-ous!!! It was so good to see you up onstage again.

Thanks for the invite and the comp ticket, Kaye.
We both enjoyed it very much...


Friday, February 1, 2008

fun and games

What My Name Means

You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something.

You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense.

You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun.

You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life.

You are solid and dependable. You are loyal, and people can count on you.

At times, you can be a bit too serious. You tend to put too much pressure on yourself.

You are full of energy. You are spirited and boisterous.

You are bold and daring. You are willing to do some pretty outrageous things.

Your high energy sometimes gets you in trouble. You can have a pretty bad temper at times.

You are a free spirit, and you resent anyone who tries to fence you in.

You are unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising.

You may miss out by not settling down, but you're too busy having fun to care.

You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.

You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.

You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.

You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow.

You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily.

Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is.

♥ live for the moments you can't put into words ♥