Go to the source to get your information.
Maybe, just maybe, you will find the truth.
Maybe, just maybe, you won't like the truth.
But, at least you will know it.
Never live in a glass house.
The rock you throw at someone else's home
usually shatters your own.
Most of the times those things you dislike about another
are things found within *you*.
Look inside when you find yourself hating others.
Look at yourself to know why you feel the way you do.
Know that all people are human beings.
Understand that none of us is perfect.
Realize that not everyone has to like you.
Never listen to the haters.
They hate because that is what they love to do.
Or because that is the only way they know how
to deal with their own pain.
It is sad... but it is a reality.
People who hate will hate you no matter what you do.
Let them.
Always love *you*!
Never listen to the fools.