“The happiest people don’t have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything they have. Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God."

Thursday, May 10, 2007

and the Angels were named Michael

"Sure a lot different from the "girl" I met on a raining night at the Ford lot in Yucca Valley. Darn, that wasn't that long ago either."


God it's so good to hear your 'voice'. Thank you so much for the e-mail. I do remember that first time trying to find you and Susann - in the rain, up the mountain... ok... the high desert... *lol*

I had called the night before from a little mini-mart type store right off the highway in Victorville. When you heard where I had stopped you told me to get in my car and lock my doors and start driving. Now.

Apparently, it wasn't the best place make a call. I noticed people looking at me strange as I walked in to get a water but didn't think anything about it. After all, my car had out of state plates. I got looks all along the way from Michigan on that Route 66 trip.

Driving in the rain and blackness there were these signs that I couldn't quite comprehend at the time on the side of the road. A "watch the decline" type of sign with swerving squiggly lines. Obviously, signs that were significant in California.

Slow down is what they meant. I wondered why they were posted when all of the sudden it felt like the road went right out from underneath me. Abruptly, I was on a rollercoast swerving crazily.

It was pitch dark out even with all the cars. My night vision is horrible anyway. In the rain and after sunset, I'm basically hard pressed to see ten feet in front of me. So as the others drove like crazy past me and the brake lights ahead glowed red off and on, I went down down down this sharp quick curving road wondering where the hell this road would take me.

The ride was harrowing and slippery and a few times I thought I had lost control. At the turn to the next highway, I decided to look for the first motel visible from the road. There was no way I could go any further that night. I'd hit Yucca Valley the next day.

The Motel 6 was a few more miles down the road. The bars on the office window worried me but I was done driving for the night. This would have to do. The woman behind the protective metal-framed bullet proof plastic took my money through a drawer and placed my key in it's place. "Down at the end," she stated.

The room wasn't much but neither was the cost. It would do. Exhausted, sleep overtook me.

In the morning I opened the curtain slightly and looked outside. Omg... mountains. There are mountains near L.A. I had no idea what California looked like and this surprised me the most. I had driven down sharp curving roads out of the mountains in the midnight rain. Blind.

The thought brought shivers down my spine. If I had realized, I'm not sure I would not have been brave enough to conquer that road in those conditions. What one doesn't know doesn't hurt them.

So it was with the rain continuing that I came through Palm Springs. Stopping at the visitor's bureau, I picked up a few things. Since I collect shot glasses and playing cards, those were my first California purchases completed. Postcards came afterwards.

My son had left his cell phone at my mom's home after a visit. The post office was the next visit. I mailed his phone and the postcards and then headed up the hill to the high desert. Yucca Valley.

Yes Moon. The girl you met that evening at the Ford dealership was much different than the one you've read here. You and Susann took me in and cared for me those days prior to Jeannie's memorial tribute to LT. I'll never forget what you did for me when the only thing I could do was cry.

You two sat on your couch to my right and shared your life with me. Took me to your favorite Asian restaurant (a first for me!), your favorite little bar, and in the mornings to the cute little diner where they knew you by name.

You gave me a home to stay in with my own room. We had long talks with you chronicling your histories and past marriages. How the two of you moved forward from devastation. More than once. How you came to meet and marry. Everything. You shared an intimate part of yourself with me. I will never forget you two. Never.

Thank you, Moon, for all you and Susann did for *me*...

Which brings me to all the other angels named Michael.

In less than seven months, God brought five into my life. Five Michaels who were honorable, caring, strong, loyal, big-hearted, protective and committed to helping me. Five men with no agenda. Five men who simply cared... for another human being.

I wrote about Michael C. yesterday. Moon's name is also Michael. God showed me how a man is supposed to think, act, and be - through all these men who share a name. He gave me angels' wings.

When I was stranded in Chicago for two days, Michael (Mike) and Liz owned the shop next to where the tow truck driver dropped me that one rainy night. All alone and scared, I slept in the middle of a place the driver said he wouldn't leave his mother and waited for the transmission shop to open.

Strangest thing... the transmission shop never opened. At about 9:30 in the morning I went to the mechanics shop next door and asked the man if I might use his facilities. It had been a long day and a half since I had left for my road trip home. When I came out he told me the cops would be towing my trailer. I started to cry.

The u-haul held all that was left of 23 years of my life. All I owned. One bed. A washer and a dryer. My computer and some supplies. And then -- my most prized possessions -- my books and my pictures. The history of my children's life and my early childhood. The only material things in life that I ever cared about... my kids' mementos.

Unknown to me, Mike called his wife, Liz. She came and the rest is history. She had her husband fix my little taurus for free. They cared for me while I slept in my car. Knocked on my window and told me, "Dinner's ready." They had gone out to get chicken dinners, set up a table in the office with a paper towel tablecloth and yellow paper tulips as a centerpiece.

The office had scriptures quoted all about. They were devout catholics. Liz was also an empath, though she didn't know the label for how she knew what she knew and why she was the way she was... why she could feel other's pain.

Mike sat quietly in support of his wife as we talked. He was my Chicago angel along with Liz. By the time my sister and her husband came to get me and tow me home, Liz had come back in the middle of the night to watch over me while I slept one more night in their lot. She had also called the police who made rounds every fifteen minutes to check on me. I knew none of this until they told my sister when it was time for us to leave.

Mike and Liz, my angels, took care of a stranger... took care of me. Just as the story of old has said to do -- they did unto me. They had almost nothing. Their business was going under. And yet, they had joy and contentment knowing that other things were meant to be. They lived their faith through actions. They had true peace.

Thank you Mike and Liz... I've been back to visit since. I think of you both everyday and what you gave to me. Liz, it was so true... all you predicted for my future. It has been almost four years and it's almost exactly what you said it would be.

You told me, "Go home. Be with your family and rest." I did. You told me five years... it didn't take that long. God spoke through you both to me...

Fast forward back home. Another Michael was waiting for me. A specialist in fixing transmissions. He helped my car make it another year somehow... and didn't hardly charge me anything. He stopped the smoking a few times. He took care of my automobile for me.

Thank you AT Michael... for giving me a dependable ride long past when it seemed meant to be.

Then there was Michael O. You came into the room that first time and smiled and melted my heart in one beat. That tilt of your head and the way you'd look at me with a true gentleness I've never felt from a man made me feel truly special.

You have a heart of gold, Michael. Any woman would be lucky to be loved by you. I want you to know that. It just wasn't meant for us to be...

Oh, and btw, I've never told you this but --

You have no idea how much your daily notes meant to this girl. Every day I'd look forward to coming into the Legion and reading the thoughts you wrote about me the night before when you were in the office after hours. Oh how special those notes were to me!

You made me smile and gave me joy when there was no joy to be found in my world. When there was very little good for me on a daily basis. I still have the birthday card you gave me that one January when you were the only one other than my nine year old nephew, Chase, who remembered the 2nd was my day.

And, you don't know this either, but I've kept every one of the notes you wrote to me. They are in a safe place... they'll always be with me. Your words, well, they mean the world to me.

Thank you, Michael O... for wanting to show me how it feels to be cared for from the heart of man who loves deeply... unconditionally.

There are other angels of other names and those stories will be written in time. Many were along the path helping me move forward when all I wanted to do was quit. I remember all of you. Every one. And thank God every day that through it all, you were there for me.

This day is dedicated to the angels called Michael in my life. Biblically, the
Archangel Michael is known for his great powers of protection. His mighty sword cuts away anything which no longer serves: cords and bonds, astral energies, etc.

Up until this year, I trusted unconditionally anyone who was named Michael because God had given me so many with huge hearts to help and care for me. I believed that those who bore the name were honest men of great depth of character. I still think most of you are... there is no doubt the ones in this post live their lives with honor and integrity.

I believe these five were sent from God to me... my Michael angels....

They have a core of strength.
They follow their caring hearts.
They tell the truth and live honestly.

They gave me hope and brought me peace.

They gently gave me wings and showed me how to fly free.


♥ live for the moments you can't put into words ♥