“The happiest people don’t have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything they have. Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God."

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Hope's new home

Picked up the garage key to mi amó poco casa today and couldn't wait to get Hope out of storage and into her own room. Cathy met me at my new home so I could leave my car there and drove me to storage. Stopped at the townhouse to pick up my little pack for the ride back along the seawall.

Only $8 for the prorated rent and Hope and I were on the road. It was almost dark. First time I've ridden that late in the evening. The ocean was mesmerizing as we glided along. Barely a breeze. I had attached the windshield before I left Hope the last time so that I could ride with it and see how she handled.

Beautifully. She handled just beautifully.

Maybe it's true... the more you ride, the easier everything becomes. We rode silently hearing only each other's heart beat. True peace...

Ok... here's my 'knock on wood' or 'eat my words' or "sheesh! what was she thinking???!"! *lmao*

When I looked over the garage to make sure it was secure, I noticed that the workers still had a ladder and some other things left inside. They had only given me one key even though they installed a new lock just this morning.

Now I'm worried about leaving Hope. My thoughts go to what should I do to secure her since I'm not yet moved in 'bed'-wise. I won't be spending the night there tonight.

Then I remember how I've listened for years to guys from Hawg's talk about having their rides in their living rooms when there isn't a garage to be had. *Light bulb* moment! I'll park her in the house.

I know the workers don't have house keys anymore. At least, they gave two sets to me of every key. Of course, four out of six of the keys don't open anything but that's another story for a different day.

I jump back on and ride Hope through the garage and out the back door onto the brick basketball court. No problems getting her through the small doorway. I had lots of practice at storage doing that and got really good at whipping her in and out with out a hitch.

I've already opened the slider all the way in anticipation of moving her in. Only a little bump. I can jump that! All I have to do is maneuver her from the brick court to the cement patio slab by going over a few ornamental bricks.

Now here's what I didn't plan on... grass.


Soft grass. Wet soft grass. Wet soft ever-so-pliant grass. The kind that when a tire spins in it, a hole begins to shape around the bike without it moving forward. The more gas you give the bike, the lower it goes in the ground.

Yep. Slow motion sideways action and we were down in the backyard after failing to make the jump over the ornamental bricks on the first try.

No problem. For some reason I was able to pick her right up. It's all good.

We tried it again. And again. And yet again. I couldn't get her over those bricks and onto the patio. I looked at the slider and the actual entry into the house was even higher than the bricks.

Ok. Re-evaluation time. Better just park her in the garage and hope the repair men don't mess with her.

Only problem now is that I can't go forward or backwards as I'm stuck in between one brick and the patio with dirt in the middle and also on the tail end rear tire. I finally 'jump' her out of there with all the strength I can muster only to find a huge dip in the yard. Why I hadn't noticed it before I have no idea but as soon as Hope hit the side we were down... again.

I suppose that's why I could lift her the first time. I was able to get underneath her on the incline. This time, she sat right in the middle of that huge dip. No matter how low I got, I couldn't get low enough to walk her back up again.

Sweating and heaving for about a half an hour, a neighbor let her dogs out and saw me. Jennifer is graduating from medical school. She is going on to her six year plastic surgery residency. Nicest gal you could meet and ever so helpful. Right away she went inside and asked her 6'4 tatoo'd big brawny built husband Justin to come to my rescue.

Even in my backyard, there's help for me! *woo hoo!!!* *lol*

After Justin lifted her (without any effort I might add!) I sat down on Hope and spent the next fifteen minutes trying to turn her back towards the garage and out of the grass. They stayed the whole time with Justin behind me, pulling Hope back a little every so often when I shifted into neutral so I could try and turn to corner her around.

After parking her back in the garage for good, I returned to the backyard fence to say my thank you's. Looks like I'm going to be baking a lot of my special homemade chocolate chip one-of-a-kind cookies for quite a few people here shortly. The list keeps getting longer by the minute.

Thank you Jennifer and Justin! It's too bad you're moving in two weeks... I understand why though. I wish you only the best of luck in your new home and with finishing your medical internship. You go girl! I always wanted to be a doctor. You are living my dream...

Oh, and it's great to know that the doctor I'm renting from is a top notch plastic surgeon. His strength of character shines through all that you told me about him. Donating his time and talent to operate on children at Shriner's Burn hospital is beyond admirable in my eyes. The respect I have for him has grown from our conversation tonight.

Now that I've had my eyes done, the whole tummy tuck/butt lift thing is my next wish list project... another great perk due to renting from a talented plastic surgeon! *gg*

Tomorrow is going to be a bear of a day with Saturday being even worse. I don't mind though --

I'm finally moving home...



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