“The happiest people don’t have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything they have. Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God."

Friday, June 29, 2007

he's made his decision

My son has decided to move in with me. The car he purchased a few months ago died on him yesterday. The repair shop told him it needed $4k in repairs to get it running again. So in a few short weeks, my household will hold one more... my son's coming home.

At the end of August 2004, my Chicago angel Liz told me my children would come back to me. Five years she said... it would take five years.

This August, it will mark only three. I didn't believe her at the time. There was not one ounce of faith left in me. The devastation was complete.

I have two friends who are close to the parents of two children right now dying of cancer. Those parents are believing for miracles to happen. Those parents are trying to hold on to a little bit of faith.

I had it no where near as bad as them. My children were healthy... simply not with me. I told a good friend of mine a few weeks back that she was lucky her children lived with her. Then I stated that others would say I was lucky simply because mine were still alive and able to call me and talk to me.

Yes. I am blessed in many things... and grateful for the life I now lead.

We all have different crosses to carry... some so heavy I have no idea how those who continue down their path survive.

We forget sometimes when we're so wrapped up in ourselves how blessed we really are with our health, our homes, and especially our families. Please send healing thoughts and prayers of blessings to the children in our worlds that are sick and in need. Whatever your beliefs, hold these two in your hearts...



I pray for them to be at peace...


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