“The happiest people don’t have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything they have. Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God."

Monday, October 8, 2007

update on my mom

The blog has been sadly neglected as real life has come full force and taken over! Which is a good thing. Lot's of positives, too many to list here -- just know that silence is a good thing right now for me. Things have never been better since my move home...


Here's the update on my mom for everyone who's been asking (copied from a post at Hawg's). I have full confidence that God is going to bring her through this.

Hope... we have hope... thank God for hope.... and thank you all for your prayers, support, phone calls and e-mails. You are awesome!

And a special thank you to Doc (Docshawg). Your uplifting calls of concern have given me a fortitude of strength I didn't realize was within me. You are truly a blessing in my life... *kotc*


"It's been a helluv a couple of months. Medicare sucks as insurance for the elderly. You can't find a specialist that will take it. Crazy.

We've finally got a doc lined up to do biopsies on the nodules on her thyroid (she has multiple). They won't do any on the two on her adrenals or the one on her lung. They're leaving the aneurysm on her spleenectic (sp?) artery alone for the moment. She's been put through test after test for all kinds of things... being diabetic doesn't help her. On top of that she's torn something in her knee.

She's an amazing woman. Gonna be 70 years old in February and still works full time nights and is raising my 12 year old blind nephew. I hope I'm just like her when I grow up... lol

And the upside -- nothing in her breasts (mammogram came out clear -- woo hoo!) so the doc says ten percent odds that it's cancer or cancer with MET. They've done MRI's and chest CAT scans and all kinds of things. That leaves this other disease (can't remember exactly what it's called but has to do with producing adrenyln from the lumps on her adrenals).

Slowly but surely... answers are on the way. It's just taking time. Keep the prayers and good thoughts coming.... thanks again! Her spirits are lifted even though she's tired. Knowing the small percentage that any of the masses are malignant helps keep her going. It sure made my day..."



Thank you again for all the e-mails and concern and prayers and support. It means to the world to my mother, my family and me. An extra special thank you to all the BBGB for their constant prayer. It's working... don't stop!

I love you all!

p.s. The riding has been awesome these past two months. Clears the head. Keeps me grounded. Rode in the rain to work this past week. Omg... I loved it!

Hope responds to me like we are one. She is amazing. I thank God everyday for the persons who have showed me these past three years that the world is a huge place full of loving, giving people who really do care... and that our experiences are only limited by our own fears.

A favorite quote to end it for the night, given to me in October of 2004 during a real estate course by an intuitive and very caring instructor, Helen Perry:

(Yes, Helen, I still have that magazine where you highlighted the quote below and think of you every time I pick it up to remember where I've been and how far I have come and exactly where I need to keep going... because of loving individuals like you who listen to that whisper in their soul, I am where I am today... {{{hug}}}... thank you...)

"Courage is never to let your actions be influenced by your fears."
~ Arthur Koestler



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