Somewhere along the road of life, some individuals lose their identity. They are someone's wife, husband, mother, father, sister, brother, uncle, aunt, neice, nephew, child, grandchild... and so on.
But they don't know who they are.
If threatened with the loss of that identity that has been carefully constructed, their world begins to crumble. They stumble. They slip. They fall.
That void where they are no one to anyone is dark and frightening. The one where they are alone with only themselves. They don't know what to do or how to get out of it. They see no future without the life they've fabricated being something to someone else. Their self-worth is tied to the other person(s) in their life. They can't find a reason to exist alone.
Their greatest fear is being alone. They'd rather die.
What makes someone choose to live and others choose to die?
I don't know...
What I do know is that people don't realize their value. They are valuable all on their own. Alone. They don't understand all that is important in life exists within them. That the love they crave and search for can be found in their own core... in their own heart... in their own soul. Especially when they are alone.
People don't dictate who we are... others don't determine our own worth. Human beings have value simply by the fact that we are alive and breathing and individual in our uniqueness.
The greatest gift I have ever been given in my life is the knowledge that all that I am is enough. That all that I need is within me. That all that is within me is good.
People search their whole lives for acceptance and yet, they never accept who they are on the inside. They want others to tell them that they are ok. They don't believe it themselves. They can't begin to acknowledge it without validation from another.
The simple fact is the only validation we need is our own. Other's opinions of who we are don't matter. Our sum total of our being is whole without another. Those brought into our life are simply bonuses, not the backbone of our core. They add to our life, they don't create it. They are the whipped cream on top of an already awesome chocolate ice cream sunday. They are the extra... the dessert of life.
I pray that those who see only darkness alone, find their own light... and live.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
the value of *you*
♥ live for the moments you can't put into words ♥
For the first time in two and a half years, since September 12th, 2008 and Hurricane Ike... for the first time I was back behind a set of m...
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