“The happiest people don’t have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything they have. Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God."

Friday, October 3, 2008

Stacy's update for Thursday

My sister's daughters requested a feeding tube be inserted. The doctors told them it wouldn't help and could actually end her life sooner. There is a real possibility of her aspirating since she has lost the ability to swallow.

Stacy spiked a temp through the night and the docs said that pneumonia is the reason. She was finally put on morphine which has helped the pain tremendously. Her new air bed finally arrived also, which helps for her back spasms and bed sores. She no longer is able to sit or stand. She is still coherent but barely able to whisper responses and most of the time we can't understand what she's saying. She is hallucinating a lot. The doctors said that was due to the toxins in her body building up in her bloodstream and brain. Her whole body has swollen up and her stomach is huge from the fluid buildup.

Thank you for all your prayers. We don't know a time frame but the doctors said she's "end stage" and there's nothing more that they can do for her except try and make her comfortable. All we want is for her pain to stop. I'm sorry I'm not returning calls right now. I do appreciate all of them and the e-mails. It is simply too difficult most days for me to talk to anyone without crying. I feel bad when you call and all I do is weep. Please understand.


Anonymous said...

HI Robyn. I just now read about Stacy's condition. My thoughts and prayers are with y'all!
W/much internet love,
(Ponytail Bill)

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