“The happiest people don’t have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything they have. Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God."

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Great news thanks to the Oncotype DX test!

After months of limbo, we finally have a treatment plan for Mom's breast cancer and it's good news today! There is a cutting edge test called Oncotype DX that helps predict, in some women with certain circumstances, the need for chemotherapy. Mom's number was 13 - in the low percentile. What that means is that chemo would have no benefit for her and, in fact, her graph had her responding better without it.

She will progress with radiation and anti-estrogen therapy. Utilizing the new treatment drugs they have available now, her doctor told us that her number will actually go down. On top of that, her osteoporosis has disappeared! The doctor said she would not need any further treatment for that condition as there "wasn't even a hint of it". Prayers have been answered.

It's been an amazingly EXCELLENT day and I wanted to share with ya'll the info on the test that has given us tremendous comfort. Obviously, nothing in healthcare is 100% but we'll take the low almost 10% chance of recurrence as pretty good odds that this is going to be her one and only run with breast cancer.

We have hope... :)

Below is the link to the info on the Oncotype DX test. Please share it with everyone you know. We never can tell who will benefit from what we have learned today. It may save someone their life or, at the very least, give them the knowledge they need to make an appropriate decision when it comes to their treatment plan.

Thank you for all the prayers, posts, e-mails and calls!
We feel we can finally breathe...



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