"Often people attempt to live their lives backwards; they try to have more things, or more money, in order to do more of what they want, so they will be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then do what you need to do, in order to have what you want."
~Margaret YoungYOU must be who *you* really are FIRST.
I so believe this! For many years I tried to be what someone else wanted me to be and it just doesn't work ya'll. Be who *you* are at your core. Figure out what you believe, why you feel the way you feel, how you really see yourself ~ then live your life in forward motion.
Once you admit in your head who you are and what you will and won't accept in your life, the rest is easy. Do what you need to do to get where you need to go. Understand that not everyone will be able to stay in your life once you know where you need to go. Comprehend that you may have to give up a lot, sometimes everything, to save yourself. Realize that even though that first step off of the cliff to who you were and who you actually are at your core is a bitch (excuse the expression! lol) ~
BUT ~~~once you take it, you are going to fly! w00t!!! :)
In order to have what you want, you have to be truthful with yourself and with those in your world. You have to stop living lies and accepting less than what's meant for you. You have to acknowledge the fact that *you* have allowed others to control who you are, how you act and what you believe about yourself.
Acceptance. The keymaster...
The last step to moving into a space and time that feels unreal. Like the Matrix, you finally *get it*. You finally know what it was all about... what you were supposed to learn. The anguish and pain dissipate and in it's place you find an awesome peace in your soul that is indescribable. You can't know how it feels until you get there.
Know this if nothing else:
You can have all that you want in life. The only factors that may change are the where, what, who, when and how. You have to give up those and your need to control in order to find your heart's desire. You can do it. It's simply a matter of letting go... so very simple... yet hard to do.
This morning, like every morning it seems lately, I woke up with a song playing in my head and the smile formed first thing. My heart is filled with joy overflowing. The sun was shining inside my core. I know without a shadow of a doubt that I am living a life of truth finally. My core holds no lies to who I am or what I need. The song that plays is home to me... and there is peace.
Let me tell you, it's a wonderful way to live.
I wish it for all of my friends...
I wish it for you... every day.
I love waking up happy ya'll!!! :)
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