“The happiest people don’t have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything they have. Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God."

Sunday, November 22, 2009

i wonder why ~

"Most people would rather be certain they're miserable, than risk being happy."
~Robert Anthony

I wonder why people embrace a life of being miserable ~
Instead of risking a life filled with happiness, hope and healing. 
A life filled with love.

Live your life 
I'll say it again
Live *your* life

Forget the past
Move away from remembering old hurts
Cast them off as far as the east is from the west

Move towards new adventures
New experiences
New friends
New loves

Heal your core wounds by embracing healthy thoughts
Healthy habits
Healthy activities
Healthy people

Love yourself enough to choose what's best for you
What's best for your physical and mental health
What's best for your mind
What's best for your soul

What your core knows is right for you

Never put your happiness in the hands of another
You will always be unhappy if you do
Other people can't make you happy

Other people will always fail you
It is the nature of our being human
Our abilities fall short of being able to make another happy
It can't be done
Everyone has to choose for themselves

Know your own truth
What you believe
Not what others tell you to believe 
Not what others say you should believe
Not what others guilt you into believing
Know your own truth by seeking it yourself

Understand your own needs
Look deep into the depths of who you are at your core
Acknowledge and embrace all of *you*

Always know that only *you* can meet your own needs
Only you will be able to make *you* happy

There is no Cinderella 
Or Prince Charming 
Or Mighty Mouse

There is no person that will come to save your day
Or your life
Or your soul
Or your existence

You are it 
If you understand nothing else about your life
Understand that *YOU* are it

It's all on you 
Your happiness
Don't say, "If only he/she would do/be/say...."
No no no
It's not about them when it comes to you
And it's not about you when it comes to them
Understand that one concept and you will free yourself
Free yourself to a world of possibilities

To make your life what you want it to be
To make yourself happy
Listen up

Everyone in your life is simply a bonus
A gift
A wonderful present

The cherry on top of an already wonderfully delicious hot fudge sunday
If you don't get the cherry right away don't worry
Sometimes, to appreciate what we don't have we have to go without
For a day or a season 
For awhile
It will come to you when you are ready for it
Out of nowhere almost
When you are finally in that place where you can say,
"I am truly happy as I am"
"With what I have"
"With my life as it is"
Not that looking forward to anything is bad
But understand that you must stand in the present and accept it
Embrace it
Love it
Not necessarily your situation
But the most important thing inside of you
You must love the moment in time that you are given to breathe
Each breath is a gift we can never get back
Love that moment and you will find your happiness

You will be content
You will be happy
And everything will feel like a bonus to you 
With every breath you take

Every person you meet

Every place you go

Every meeting you have

Everything you do
Every thing

Every wonderful experience you are alive to feel
You will finally understand

They are all life's gifts
For you

Give love 
Simply to love
Don't give out of expectation
Or want
Or desire
Or need for something in return

Give love 
Simply to love
We are built to love
We are built to give
We are built in our humanness to embrace others
To love others
They will feel

Cared for
And in your giving you will receive the best gift of all
Your own needs will be fulfilled
Your own wants will be met
Your own desires will be realized
By giving of yourself

Know that what you give will come back to you 
Ten fold and more
Always and forever
Until the end of your time
And then it will live on
In the ones *you* loved simply
Simply because 
You loved them
With an open heart
From the depths of your soul
To the ends of your earth
For the rest of their life

Funny thing happens when you choose to do what's best for you by giving love simply to love ~

You will find the happiness that you think has alluded you...
For the rest of your life.
Trust me.
You will find what you need by giving it to others...
Stop searching.  You're already there.  Simply love.
Love simply.


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♥ live for the moments you can't put into words ♥