“The happiest people don’t have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything they have. Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God."

Friday, March 12, 2010

Spring Break is off to a FANTASTIC start!

The 3000 level literature class I'm taking had an in class essay exam yesterday.  We had to study for five thesis questions over John Milton's Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained, epic poems from the 1630's. The instructor would be choosing just one for our exam.  We could bring in five 3x5 note cards to use for quotes and evidence supporting our interpretation but nothing else.

This class has been the most difficult for me as the writing is a different style from my "voice" that I usually write creatively with.  Not to mention, John Milton's PL & PG aren't the easiest reads.  It was mentioned the first day of class that if we've read the King James Version of the Bible we would have an easier time reading Milton.  That does seem to hold true for me.  I have understood what I'm reading but interpreting it to paper as well as finding all of the evidence for the questions has been a daunting task.

This is also a junior/senior level class.  I have been worried since Day 1 that I was jumping off the deep end (trial by fire), especially for literature, this first semester back to school after decades of being out.  My first paper was graded with a 'B' when the majority of the class received 'F's but still, it has been taking me a long time to process and express pen to paper what needs to be said the way the professor wants it written.  Not to mention, I was always an 'A' student.  Anything less in my mind is unacceptible...  lol  (I yam what I yam... :)

Well my instructor has been so very nice.  She has given me a lot of encouragement.  She said that coming back to school later in life might seem like the younger ones can do things easier but really, it's simply a learning curve for us older students.  She said she had full confidence that I would be able to perform.  I so appreciate her!

This exam kept me up for 48 hours cramming.  The result was the e-mail from my professor below.  She didn't have to let me know anything until after spring break.  What a kind thing to do!  And my grade made my cramming for a day worth every minute of lost sleep.  Oh how, I am loving college!!!

It's going to be a great week ya'll...
I wish you the same wonderful days also.
It's bright and sunny and warm outside.
Spring has arrived!  w00t!!!  lol
And best of all, I am going to be building my own ride.
Hope is once again alive...
What a wonderful life...  :)

p.s.  We open in less than a week...  w00t!!!  Life is a blast!

Dear Robyn,

      I thought it might improve your spring break to know that you made a
solid "A" on the in-class essay.  Congratulations!


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