“The happiest people don’t have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything they have. Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God."

Friday, December 31, 2010

My babies are too cute!

I was sitting at my puter responding to a few e-mails when I heard one of my dogs sighing.  If you have never heard a dog sigh, it is like a hmmm or an ahhhhhh. Samantha makes this sound when I ask her to tell me her 'sad story' (usually when she acts like she has missed me!).  It is when we are catching up on what has happened during the course of our respective days.  Faith does it when her belly is rubbed.  It is a sound that is not a 'grrrr' but more of an exhale coming deep from within their diaphragm.  Sometimes it is one of pleasure and other times it is one of exhaustion.  They do it to get or keep my attention.

I looked up after her third time trying to make me look her way and there was Samantha laying against the slider likes she normally does during the day with little Sophie snuggled up next to her tummy all curled up in a ball.  Oh how cute!  I tried to take a few pics with my phone but finally went in search of my son's camera.

One thing to understand about Samantha is that she usually doesn't like anyone touching her when she's tired.  She won't tolerate it.  For her to allow Sophie to rest next to her is a huge "give" on her part.  That's my girl!  And Faith has been scared to death of Sophie since she arrived.  She runs in the opposite direction of the kitten.  Faith is scared of most things in life.  When it was thundering the other night she literally jumped up in my lap when I was in my chair.  She never does that.  My baby does not enjoy storms.

After the pics, Samanatha had had enough and moved to a different resting spot so Sophie toddled off to find Faith sleeping up on the couch.  She hopped up and curled up next to her other new buddy.  Sophie must miss her mama and siblings!  What a sweetie she is...  She is just looking for some comfort and love...  something we all wish for, hope for, and want in our own daily lives.

There is nothing better than spending time with my babies and watching them interact. It is healing time for the heart.  They always have a way of making me smile, no matter how I feel.  I love them so very much. Only other animal lovers will ever understand the connection to the soul that they have with us. It is unexplainable...  love is like that though...  unexplainable.  Love just exists.

Here is Samanatha and Faith resting with Sophie...  fast friends!
At least, Sophie thinks so.... lol

Edited to add:
And hours later... they still are resting.  
Oh to live the life of a pet!  *giggle*


Minuend said...

What do they do on their day off?

hedii said...

They're living the dream Jerry... lol ;)

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