"I have a late start for my cases on Friday so this morning we had to shuffle the cars to let the hub go to the office. This always involves taking the chichi and the Italian greyhound on the short trip to back out the car and then pulling it forward. There is of course has an accompanying song and happy dance because it’s my life and pretty much everything gets a song and a happy dance. They were very excited to get in the car, the happy dance helps. Looking out the windows and dancing around in the seats, the big goodbye to Poppy. That was everything the chichi hoped for, a shakin anticipation filled good time. When the car went back and then forward and came to rest at the back door that was enough. And she knew that when she went in the door there would be a treat, be still her little dog heart. The grey hound however gave me that big eyed look of “is that all you got to give me Lady” so disappointed, all that and the destination was only the house. It reminded me of people and how some are always happy and some are never quite fulfilled. The chi chi had a grand time and was smart enough to know a treat and a good nap was to follow but the grey hound was disappointed. Lost in the moment of what she expected not living up to what she experienced. It completely ruined the joy for her that the chi chi experienced. After I dragged her from the car and gave her a treat she was happy, but of course wanted two treats. Reminds me that in life to always think like the chi chi not the greyhound. Be happy with what life gives you and relish in every experience. Don’t let yourself ruin your own joy because it’s not all what you thought it would be. And always do a happy dance if only in your head."
~Beautifully written by my friend, Veleen Van Dyke Simms
Love the greyhound. They, like Afghans, appear to be looking down on us mere humans, don't they?
Just popped in to see the blog. Like the shovelhead. Did you have any luck on that power problems?
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