“The happiest people don’t have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything they have. Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God."

Monday, January 25, 2010

The Gratitude List

One of the best ways to appreciate what you have is to recognize it...  whatever "it" is!  So make a list ~ 365 items you are thankful for... one for each day of the year.

When you feel down, or lonely, or upset, or anxious, or angry this list will be your touchstone to remind yourself exactly what is important in this life.  Your life.  Stop whining, and bitching, and moaning.  Stop being selfish, angry, unhappy, and self-centered.  Stop making your world revolve around the negatives you perceive in your mind!  Stop.  Just stop.  Grow up.

Realize exactly what you have been given.  Comprehend exactly what you do have and appreciate it all.  Internalize how good your life really is because every day you wake up breathing is a good day!  If you can't acknowledge that simple fact you will stay miserable the rest of your life.  Honestly, if that's your choice so be it.  Simply acknowledge the fact that you have CHOSEN that path.  It's all up to you.

365 things you say?  Yes.  It may be a bit difficult.  Start your list and add to it as you think of things that happen.  Just try it...  try being thankful when your emotions tell you otherwise.  You won't be disappointed with the results.  Trust me!

I am thankful for....

1.  My mom.
2.  My daughter and son.
3.  My brothers and sisters.
4.  My two goldens.
5.  My extended family.
6.  My friends.
7.  My health.
8.  My eyesight.
9.  My hearing.
10.  All of my limbs.
11.  My hair (and my hairdresser!  lol).
12.  The roof over my head.
13.  My bed.
14.  My recliner where I am comfy cozy reading my nights away!
15.  The rest of the furniture in my home ~ given to me after Ike by my BGBB and Shovelhead families.  Thank you!  I wouldn't be where I am at today without you.
16.  My kitchen appliances ~ all replaced after Ike.
17.  Plates, cups and silverware to eat with!
18.  A refrigerator to keep my milk cold (thanks Mac!).
19.  Food in my pantry.
20.  Coffee and a pot to brew it in.
21.  My car.
22.  No car payment!
23.  No bills other than utilities and rent!!! w00t!
24.  My toaster that is wide enough for bagels.
25.  My tv (thank you Jerry!).
26.  My stereo.
27.  My mini-me puter that has served me well for this past year.
28.  My HP warranty on my printer that landed me a replacement last week... free!
29.  FedEx, UPS and the post office...  for different reasons... :)
30.  My two beautiful floor plants...  thank you Gina...  {{{hugs}}}}
31.  My towels and blankets and sheets.
32.  My clothing.
33.  My shoes.
34.  My readers.
35.  My garage.
36.  My fenced backyard.
37.  My cookie recipe.
38.  My ability to make coolies.... lol
39.  Where I live...  I am loving it!
40.  The CM on my driver's license.
41.  The years I enjoyed riding.
42.  The ability to cross things off of my bucket list.
43.  The wonderful ability to have no fear for most everything in life.
44.  The courage to do the one thing that scares me.
45.  The determination to try.
46.  The knowledge that if I do fail, it's not the end of my world.
47.  The ability to pick myself up after failing and start over again.
48.  The love of life that is in my core!
49.  The ability to see the good in everyone...  I would never change this about me.
50.  The acceptance that I am where I am supposed to be at this moment in time.
51.  The love of many.
52.  Understanding that everyone loves differently but it's still love to them.
53.  The ability to love unconditionally and accept whatever is given in return.
54.  Unbounded hope for the future!
55.  Having the Pollyanna personality (I don't care if it's corny... lol).
56.  Being able to not care what others think of me.
57.  Knowing who I answer to in this life.

Still adding... :)


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♥ live for the moments you can't put into words ♥