A bit colder with finishing out the day at 55 degrees but two sweatshirts and a pair of chaps from my good friend (thank you, Sheree!) and it wasn't bad at all. Rode to Dickinson and surprised her. We ended up riding together and stopping for a bite along the way. Another absolutely wonderful day of flying!!!
Sheree said, "I can see nothing's changed." I said, "Yep. It's like I've never been off a scoot. Can you believe it?!" She is as comfortable to me as Hope was after these past two days. Feels like I was born on one. And omgosh... her sound is absolutely heart stopping sexy not to mention how she feels when she and I are seat to seat. Sheree said, "Yep. You go as fast as ever." LOL! "I was only doing 55..." That IS the truth. But, I did give her a little twist to see how quick she was from the stop. Been testing her out a little bit. That's normal for a new ride. And oh, that little FXE doesn't disappoint. She's got spunk! A lot of it. Just like me.
Sheree asked, "So what's her name?" I said, "I'm not going to name her since she's my son's scoot. I just call her my little FXE. Sounds kinda like "fuckin' sexy." And, yes, she is all that... and more.
Number one son was excited to show his girlfriend the scoot. He said she wanted him to give her a ride. I said absolutely not. Not until he is a seasoned rider himself. He should not be taking anyone on the back. What can I say. Between my concern for him and his learning curve and absolutely adoring this little scoot, I'm starting to feel a bit possessive... somehow I knew that would happen! ;)
A couple of questions to be posted at Jack's place about a few things that happened today. Putting the pics here below to drag and drop into the post. I can't wait to start on my Angel build next month. The FXE is gonna be the little sister to my Shovelhead Angel. I can't wait to see them side by side... what a day that will be!
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