Lying back in the chair shivering, I asked the assistant why it had to be so darn cold in the surgery room. "The laser," was her reply. She wrapped me in three blankets for the first part and then, when I was moved to another chair, they wrapped me in a thermal covering that heats up.
The procedure began without a hitch. I was so ready. Somewhere in between though, when they said "suction" my world went dark. I must have started to shake as they asked me if I was alright. "No," I barely whispered in a shaken voice as I began to weep.
It must have been the Valium is all I can think when I started to cry. Suddenly fear overtook me as the darkness engulfed my world. I was a little girl lost and alone. Frightened. My heart hurt as my mind searched for security. Somewhere. Where was my safe place? I couldn't find it. No one was there with me. I couldn't be brave alone... or so the voice in my head made me believe.
I'm not sure if the doctor instructed her to come to me but one of the nurses moved to my right hand side and slipped her hand under my blanket and grasped mine firmly. "It's alright," she calmly whispered. "You're doing fine."
I held on to her hand for dear life. For some reason, all of my resolve and strength left me and all I could do was shake. After the first eye was done and I could see light again, I relaxed. The second wasn't as bad. I was ready for the darkness.
When it was all done, they made me lay in a dark room for awhile. Going home, the instructions were to sleep the rest of the day. I had things to do though. Stopped at city hall to get my water deposit paid and the water turned on at my new home. Went home and to bed only to wake up three hours later to go sign my lease. Stopped by my rental to check the keys. Then back home.
I couldn't have done any of this without my good friend, Cathy. She not only took a whole day off of work to chauffeur me around and wait for me in surgery, she was my voice of strength. Thank you so much for being there for me, Cathy. You have no idea how much your love and care and support meant to me. I love you, girl... and you never have to be alone. You are my family. My sister. My friend. Remember that always. Never forget.
As for my eyes, ten minutes after surgery I was at 20/70! Yesterday, one day post op -- 20/25 for both distance and reading!!! OMG! The doctor said the results were better than they expected. You see, my vision was so bad that they couldn't use the normal 20 whatever numbers... you know -- 20/100, 20/200, etc... the tests only go up to 20/400.
Your vision is measured by feet with people that have as poor of vision as I did. My eyesight pre-surgery was recorded as four feet. After four feet, I was legally blind. That doesn't mean I could see clear at four feet. It simply means I could tell there were two fingers held up at that distance. Blurry, but I could tell they were there.
Dr. Lipsky said my vision is going to get increasingly better as the swelling goes down. That means I'll probably have better than 20/20 vision eventually. That first few minutes after surgery he apologized that I couldn't see very well. I looked him in the eyes and teared up and told him, "Oh, but I can... I can see your eyes!" He smiled the warmest smile and at that moment all the love inside of me went out to him for what he had done for me.
Yesterday after he examined me for my one day post-op he said, "You're looking good." I giggled in that little girl space I go to when I'm carefree and happy and replied, "So are you..."
He laughed then and said something about my eyes needing more work. I made him laugh. He gave me joy. It was a beautiful day.
Anyone who wants or is thinking about laser surgery -- I highly recommend Dr. Lipsky. Though the resident did my actual procedure (they gotta learn somehow and that's why the procedure was half off), Dr. L was there the whole time. He is calm. He is caring. His smile melts your heart.
I cannot say enough good about him or Dr. Nugyen (pronounced 'when'). They are both awesome. I was thrilled to be Dr. Nugyen's first ever patient. Dr. Lipsky said they never forget their first. I feel so special being able to have given him something in return for what he has given me.
Since fourth grade I haven't been able to see. I have been limited in what I could do. When I could do it. I have been tied to glasses or contacts just to function on a daily basis. They have given me a new life. There are no words for how I feel for what they have done for me.
Thank you both, Dr. Lipsky and Dr. Nugyen.... thank you both.... for everything......
Believe it or not, you have helped me decide to look into having this procedure done. Thank you for a well written and very frank description of how you felt.
If you live in or near the Houston area, the program for half off is through UTMB. They have the very latest laser machine available and it's called 'custom lasik' or something.
My cost out the door for both eyes was $2450 (which when I went to Berkley two years ago I was going to have to pay $6500!)
It will be a resident doing the surgery if you elect the 1/2 off price -- but Dr. Lipsky is right there ready to step in if there's a problem.
Here's the info:
LASIK Surgery - Ophthlamology Dept. First Published 4/9/2007
UTMB Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
now offering for a limited time only
50% off the Regular Price
Complete examination, treatment and follow-up
William Lipsky, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Associate Professor
Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
In collaboration with Advanced Laser Vision
Call today for your Free Evaluation
(409) 747-5800
Contact: Ophthalmology
Phone: 747-5800 Fax: 747-5433
congrats on having the proecdure done pretty lady....very happy for you and hope you have been doing well.
Tom aka "joker"
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