Dear Fearless Friends,
Let's just be done with it: 2008. It's best to label it for what is was and move on. Perhaps you had the best year of your life while others would call 2008 the year from beyond, or 'it sucked' year. Whatever it was for you, I have three assignments for you to complete before this year is up, so we can enter 2009 clear and fresh and true.
Assignment one:
Please list 100 gratitudes for 2008. I don't care that you can't recall one happy moment or that you think 20 will be it tops. One hundred it must be.
One hundred moments that someone or something was in your life that made you smile, made your life easier, put a spring in your step. Some moment that worked. Maybe the security line at the airport was much easier than you anticipated. Be grateful. Or perhaps the dinner with your mom's new boyfriend wasn't horrible. Be grateful. Or your best friend forgot your birthday but she made up for it days later. Be grateful.
Gratitude must become a habit if true happiness, compassion, and peace of mind are your goals.
Assignment two:
Please list 100 acknowledgements for yourself and your deeds for 2008. That means any change, any shift, any new way of handling a situation that occurred in 2008 that took some effort, will, or composure.
Perhaps you get frustrated with your brother every holiday season because you always have to bring up the question of what to get your mother. Acknowledge yourself if you took a breath sooner than later or you were able to ask him without a hint of irritation in your voice. You tried to be more loving, more patient, better. Acknowledge yourself. If your boss handed out no raise, no bonus, zilch this holiday season. Acknowledge yourself if instead of silently seething, you asked your boss what was up or if you stopped yourself from acting like a spoiled school boy and instead, had the courage to make an appointment to talk about it.
Acknowledgement must become a habit if you desire more confidence, more self-worth, and more you to show up.
Assignment three:
Please write one intention statement for 2009. What is your intention this year? Will you practice being more loving? Healthier? Forgiving? Will you practice saying no or breathing ten times when you are frustrated, angry, in fear? Will you let go and forgive with more ease or give yourself a break by giving up that old tired habit of perfectionism?
Write an intention statement with the attitude of practice. What must you acquire in your beingness to own your greatness? What is holding you back from being true to yourself?
Name it and then write an intention to start practicing being more of who you are by practicing this new skill.
The three assignments will get you ready to enter this new year with less fear, more hope, and more you. Your willingness to do the work proves your devotion to yourself. Your completion of the work gives you a path and a firmer foundation in which to walk into the unknown called 2009.
May you find more peace in your heart, home and head in 2009. May we become more fearless together. May the world know the truth.
To 2009. Be Fearless!
Sending Fearless Love,
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