“The happiest people don’t have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything they have. Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God."

Monday, August 10, 2009

Stolen points cover alert


Passing along for friends from the Shovelhead forum. The more people know, the more chance it will be spotted.


Came out after work today and found my points cover gone. I know it didn't fall off. I'm the only one at work that rides a Shovel but trucks come and go all day and who knows about half the people I work with. The cover came from BladeRunner and it was custom worked by Grub. It was a one of a kind that had some meaning to it. It would have hurt less if they would have taken the whole fricken bike.


If you see this points cover, anywhere, it does not belong to the person who has it.
I urge you to contact someone here or Email me direct:


I will offer a reward for this piece to be returned to it's rightful owner.
Thanks in advance.


Edited to add in Travis' description:

This points cover is a one of a kind piece made by a friend of mine in New Zealand for another friend of mine in Michigan. If you see this points cover it is stolen and whoever has it is not the rightful owner. It may be on a shovelhead or evo. The banners say old friends, old bikes. the middle piece is an upside down bar and shield that says first annual shovelfest '08. Again, this is the only one that was ever made and the person who has it now is not the rightful owner.


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