With the addition of Adrienne's three work friends, we are now 13 strong on our SHED! What a great support system!!! Several of you are beginning after the new year but will be included on the notes from the beginning for inspiration and support.
I love that Kris wrote her own note yesterday and tagged us all. It is important that we all check in at least once a day. Feel free to comment in my notes as some of you are doing or post your own note and tag all of us to keep us in your loop.
If you're tempted to give up, let us know. If you're tempted to give in, share with us. If you have had success in overcoming temptation, let us know. Success is always dependent on your own personal participation and accountability. Sometimes, either sharing with others and/or helping someone else will help us overcome our own objections that we face on a minute by minute basis when we're trying to change our selves.
Yesterday I had a thought.... (No joke! LOL) ;)
{A little levity is always a good thing in the midst of all this seriousness!}
My thought goes hand in hand with Kris' thoughts from her note yesterday. When we let ourselves go in one way, usually other areas of our lives suffer also. It's a chicken/egg thing and doesn't matter which comes first although sometimes we can pinpoint exactly when we started down this path. I know for me, it's post-Ike as I have pics to prove to myself where I was just a week pre-Ike (on Hope and in Illinois!) and where I am today. I know where my head was at for the better part of 2009 and why I've added these few pounds. I am ready for 2010 and the new year of endless possibilities, accomplishments and hope for all good things to come!
When we let ourselves go, we usually don't care as much about other things in our lives. We may become ambivalent about keeping up, going forward and/or seeing things through. We may say, "Tomorrow I will......." and then tomorrow never comes. We may think our strength to complete a goal is gone. Gone with the storm that took everything else from us. We might not even care that we have changed in a negative way. We might think, "Oh well... no big deal."
But negative outward change is a big deal to your inside core.
It truly is all about you. You must choose *you*.
You need to love yourself back to who you were...
Who you are...
Who you want to be again.
We may believe that changing ourselves back is overwhelming and not something that we want to even try to do today. We may think it's too hard. Too much work. Too impossible. Too tiring.
We may believe it is impossible to find that person inside that had it all together, even if only for a moment in time. We simply may not care...
Until now.
You see, you do care or you wouldn't have signed up for the SHED.
You do love yourself enough to want what's best for *you*.
Now you simply have to institute the steps to get yourself there.
On Day 2 of our SHED, I want to encourage you to pick one small thing you have been putting off and do it. Nothing big. Nothing huge. Something small. Something even meaningless to everyone else, but you. Something that will give you a sense of accomplishment for completing a goal. A small step on a larger staircase.
Yesterday I cleaned my ceiling fan in my living room. I only have one in my home. Anyone who has one knows that they accumulate A LOT of dust... LOL! Well on Day 1, I decided to take one small thing off of my fairly lengthy "To Do" list that has accumulated during 2009. Those items I have overlooked for days and months thinking "I'll do it later." Then, after choosing the activity, I decided to complete it and cross it off "The List."
A simple goal.
A small step.
Movement forward.
Completion attained.
You don't have to fix everything in your life in one day. You can't anyway so why try? But what you can do for the next 30 days is make a list of 30 things you have wanted to do for awhile now and every day cross one of them off your long list of "Tomorrow's To Do's". Call it your SHED List and make it as personal as you want. Include anything that you have put off for another day. Anything.
Then every day, complete one small goal. Every day step out of your comfort zone one time and simply act. By the end of the SHED, you will see that you have done more than you ever thought possible when you see your entire list of little "To Do's" crossed off with completed success!
I know you can do it... I believe in each of you! Share with our SHED group what it is you have accomplished on your list every day if it's not too personal. We want to share in your success and you in ours. We want to celebrate with you... as well as you with us!
We can do this, TEAM SHED!!! :)
SHED Day 2 ~ Motivational Quote of the Day:
"Habit is habit and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time."
~Mark Twain
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