“The happiest people don’t have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything they have. Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God."

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Happy birthday Joel!

Twenty-two years ago today I became the luckiest woman in the world for the second time. My son was born.

It is indescribable the amount of joy experienced once a dream is fulfilled. The only dream I ever had for my life was to be a mother and a wife. My family was growing and
my world expanding exponentially with more love than even I could have ever imagined. It was all I thought it would be... and more.

Joel, you have grown into a man of great character. You have integrity and honor and live a life without false pretense. That is so important in a world filled with people who lie to themselves about who they are and what they want and need. You *know* who you are and you make sure those around you understand exactly where you are headed in life.  Thank you for being a person who lives honestly and with great conviction. Never change. Always live your life from the inside out. Always be true to yourself and those around you.

From the day that you were born, you made the rules up for your own life. From touching the VCR over and over again when told 'no' (LOL!) to charming Mrs. Peterson, your kindergarten teacher, you were always in control of your circumstances. You are strong, determined, intelligent, and caring. You love with all of your heart but keep your head squarely on your shoulders. You don't live in the clouds like your mother does most of the time; you live with your feet firmly hitting the ground as you walk with great strides towards your goals.

I am so excited to see the growth you've experience and know that these next few years for you in college are going to be some of the most interesting as you find the things in life that will make your world complete. You can do anything you want to do and become anything you want to be. Don't ever put limits on yourself for anything.  Always feel like you can change directions if one thing isn't what you thought it would be.  It is never too late to do the next "thing"... that is life. Change is the only constant for any of us. Always be willing to risk change. That is when you really get to live!

I am so very proud of how you love and care for those around you.  Of all the things that you are on the inside, being a loving and caring man is what I am most proud of in you. Never be afraid to love and don't worry about what tomorrow will bring. Tomorrow always arrives and it will be what it will be. Live for today.  Live in the present. Always follow your core and that voice inside that tells you exactly who you are and where you need to go.  He is never wrong. Remember that if nothing else... you already know what is right for *you*. If you get hurt, always remember, it is in our pain that we find our true strength.

I love you honey.  I know you will succeed with whatever direction you choose.  Always remember, *choose you* first and you will never go wrong. We must first take care of ourselves and make sure we have what we need to be able to then take care of others. You can't give if you don't live first and foremost what your core dictates. So far so good. You are an amazing man. I am excited for your future and all that I see happening for you.

I love you Joel.

p.s.  Never give up your music...  it is the heartbeat of your soul.



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