“The happiest people don’t have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything they have. Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God."

Friday, May 6, 2011

understanding your pet's feelings and emotions

After the week you all know I've had with Samantha and not knowing what was causing her paralysis and vomiting, a search was on for trying to find some level of comprehension and understanding while she was/is ill and recuperating. I found this excellent segment and am sharing it. If you love animals and you have pets, it is a *must see* show!

UPDATE:  Sam is walking much better; barely a wobble but
not all the way gone as of this a.m. She isn't putting her legs in front of her funny or crossing them as she is mobile around the house and yard. She hasn't vomited for two days and her eyes don't weep anymore. She still has a bit of a gray area on one lid but it seems to be getting better and I don't think I'm being overly optimistic this time. Both yesterday and today, she has picked up several of her toys to show me she wanted to play, tail wagging and all. She laid back down exhausted but those are all positive signs that she is not ready to give up on this world. Thank God. I know I'm not ready to lose her...

Thank you all for the support and care and e-mails and phone calls, especially with my situation as well. As they are for most of my pet loving friends, our pets are our babies. It has been a difficult week but I have hope... sometimes hope is all any of us have and it is enough. It is what it is. I am glad to see this week ending and a new beginning on the way.

This is what I love about life:
There is always a new day to embrace, a new moment to live, a new time to share love again... 

p.s.  Thank you Dr. Sullivan and staff for loving my girl back! You are the best!!!

Living Smart: Understanding Your Pet's Feelings and Emotions
26:48 - 5 years ago
Living Smart #103 Host: Patricia Gras KUHT HoustonPBS Can you really communicate with your pet? Can you sense their love and read their responses? Do you know how they feel? Link up with Living Smart host Patricia Gras as she visits with holistic veterinarian Dr. Happy Babbish and learn how you can better understand your pet's emotions and feelings and (at the same time!) learn how to save money on vet bills with preventative health care and proper nutrition for your dog or cat. If you are a pet owner and love your critter like they were part of the family... you can not afford to miss this show!
Originally aired: Sunday, October 16, 2005


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